Nick Vergis
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-834-7380
Go to the Current Standings

Last 20 Matches
Opponent Date  1st Set   2nd Set  10-pt 3rd  Opp RSI  This Match Total Points Matches RSI
Amber Shah 9/11/2019 6-1 6-1   59.954 300.00 2,391.310 6 - 8 170.808
Levi Holley 3/07/2019 6-2 2-6 7-10 155.24 107.12 2,091.31 5 - 8 160.87
David Barry 10/27/2018 1-6 6-3 4-10 260.00 150.80 1,984.19 5 - 7 165.35
Nitin Walyat 9/02/2018 1-6 1-6 - 275.71 33.09 1,833.39 5 - 6 166.67
Kenneth Smith 8/15/2018 6-7 6-4 10-3 74.44 280.00 1,800.30 5 - 5 180.03
Kevin Chhang 8/07/2018 1-6 1-6 - 217.97 26.16 1,520.30 4 - 5 168.92
Roy Thomas 7/28/2018 2-6 0-6 - 300.00 36.00 1,494.14 4 - 4 186.77
Johnny Wessler 7/19/2018 4-6 6-3 9-10 200.00 166.00 1,458.14 4 - 3 208.31
Yan Wu 7/18/2018 6-2 6-1   38.77 290.00 1,292.14 4 - 2 215.36
Robert McKelva 7/15/2018 6-1 6-2   168.04 290.00 1,002.14 3 - 2 200.43
Jeff Guerin 7/02/2018 0-6 1-6   258.77 15.53 712.14 2 - 2 178.04
Breck Myers 6/13/2018 4-6 3-6   158.60 66.61 696.61 2 - 1 230.20
Brett Cain 6/06/2018 6-1 4-6 10-0 157.50 330.00 630.00 2 - 0 315.00
James Cowling 6/04/2018 6-2 6-0 - 18.00 300.00 300.00 1 - 0 300.00